Roger Laybourn 

Experience – Senior and Successful Lawyer

Roger Laybourn has been practising as a litigation lawyer for over 30 years. He is considered to be a senior and very experienced defence lawyer.

He has considerable experience at all levels of defence work including District Court, High Court and Court of Appeal jurisdictions.

He has been involved in numerous high profile and difficult cases with a very high success rate. Here is a collection of some of his most difficult cases.

Commited to Helping Those in Need

Roger Laybourn also has a long record of helping clients with cases that may not be high profile but are of great concern and importance to his clients.

His commitment in Law has always been to help those in need.

“When I graduated all those years ago, it appeared that my options in a law career were either to make rich people richer or act to for people in need. I have never regretted my choice to act for those in need, despite the obstacles they may face”.

“Good people can get into trouble”

Roger has a long record of helping good people that are suddenly faced by a crisis that brings them before the Courts. This may be any member of a good family.

The processes of Police investigation and Court proceedings can be very frightening and full of potential hazards. Such areas are “Roger’s playground” and his early involvement can avoid serious mistakes.

“I don’t believe everyone brought to Court is automatically a criminal. I believe in justice and a motivated defence lawyer is critical to maintaining a democracy. That is why I have never prosecuted a case. I am 100% Defence.”

Approachable and Helpful

Roger is very approachable and easy to communicate with. He will quickly identify the legal issue and clearly explain your legal position and options.

“ I believe that the most effective way to act for a client and is to work as a team. Talking down to someone is not only poor practice but it also bad manners. Any decent lawyer should be able to explain the complex legal situations in down to earth language”.

“The client is your source of information. They provide the ammunition for your case. The lawyer is the marksman. Without the bullets, how can you shoot holes in the case against you?”

Committed to the Client’s Interests

Roger Laybourn is absolutely committed to protecting his client’s interests. Clients need a determined and courageous advocate who will never be intimidated by the Court or the prosecution agencies.

“My role is clear cut. My absolute obligation to is protect and advance my client’s interests in a proper and ethical manner”

Laybourn Chambers

Roger also is Head of Chambers of a group of Defence Lawyers who provide a wide pool of experience and expertise.

Contact Roger at

Roger Laybourn Criminal and Traffic Lawyer Hamilton

Rhianna Laybourn rhianna

Educated and Experienced in Law

Rhianna graduated from the University of Waikato in 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Laws conjoint degree majoring in history and law.

Rhianna first started working at Layourn Chambers as a Law Clerk in 2011 focusing on Defence Criminal proceedings. She has been practicing as a Defence Barrister since her admission in June 2013.

Commited to Helping Those in Need

The challenge of representing people in difficult circumstances has always attracted Rhianna. This will often involve unequal contest between an individual and the State. She always brings enthusiasm, energy and empathy to her work.

Rhianna practices in the area of traffic charges, work licence applications, excess breath alcohol and police prosecution.